Os livros A Proposta e O Pedido, da autora americana Katie Ashley, estão fazendo o maior sucesso no Brasil. Traduzidos pela Pandorga, já conquistaram leitoras por todo o país. Com o grande sucesso das obras, a editora criou e agora disponibiliza um prequel da série, no formato e-book. Intitulado A Festa, apresenta elementos da história de forma clara e, ao mesmo tempo, dinâmica, sendo perfeito para o leitor que quer ter um briefing do que vai encontrar nas obras da série.
The Books and The Proposal Request, the American author Katie Ashley, are making greater success in Brazil. Translated by Kite, have won readers across the country. With the great success of the works, the publisher created and now offers a prequel to the series in e-book format. Entitled The Feast presents elements of the story clearly and at the same time, dynamic, and perfect for the reader who wants to get a briefing of what you will find in the works of the series.
The Books and The Proposal Request, the American author Katie Ashley, are making greater success in Brazil. Translated by Kite, have won readers across the country. With the great success of the works, the publisher created and now offers a prequel to the series in e-book format. Entitled The Feast presents elements of the story clearly and at the same time, dynamic, and perfect for the reader who wants to get a briefing of what you will find in the works of the series.
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