Prestes a ficar desempregada, Laura Horsley acha que o convite para ajudar na organização de um festival literário veio bem a calhar. Mas quando recebe a missão de convencer o famoso escritor Dermot Flynn a comparecer ao evento, ela é dominada pelo pânico. Dermot é temperamental, nunca sai de casa e enfrenta um bloqueio criativo. É também o escritor favorito de Laura, além de extremamente atraente e dono de uma longa lista de conquistas amorosas. Por isso, não é de surpreender quando ele diz que só vai participar do festival se ela concordar com uma única condição, que pode colocar em risco não só o sucesso do evento, mas também o coração de Laura.
About to be unemployed, Laura Horsley think the invitation to help organize a literary festival came in handy. But when given a mission to convince the famous writer Dermot Flynn to attend the event, she is overcome with panic. Dermot is moody, never leaves home and faces a creative block. It is also favorite writer Laura, in addition to extremely attractive and had a long list of amorous conquests. So it is not surprising when he says he will only attend the festival if she agrees under one condition, that can endanger not only the success of the event, but also the heart of Laura.
About to be unemployed, Laura Horsley think the invitation to help organize a literary festival came in handy. But when given a mission to convince the famous writer Dermot Flynn to attend the event, she is overcome with panic. Dermot is moody, never leaves home and faces a creative block. It is also favorite writer Laura, in addition to extremely attractive and had a long list of amorous conquests. So it is not surprising when he says he will only attend the festival if she agrees under one condition, that can endanger not only the success of the event, but also the heart of Laura.
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