Jasmim é uma menina, como outra qualquer, que está passando pela adolescência. Ela tem que lidar com diversos problemas, como o fato de sua mãe ter falecido quando ela nasceu e seu pai nunca estar em casa. Porém, sua vida não é só tristeza. Ela tem uma amiga chamada Ana Paula que é aventureira e adora mete-la em confusões. Como se não bastasse, ainda conhece um rapaz: Gabe. Gabe é instável, cínico, genioso e ridiculamente lindo. Diferente dos outros, rapidamente faz com que Jasmim fique atraída por ele. Ela estará disposta a dar o que ele pede em troca?! Qual a relação dele com seus pesadelos constantes?! Será que ela realmente sabe quem são as pessoas que ama?! Conheça essa envolvente historia cheia de aventuras, mistérios e romance!
Jasmine is a girl like any other, which is going through adolescence. She has to deal with many problems, like the fact that his mother had died when she was born and her father never home. But his life is not just sadness. She has a friend named Ana Paula who is adventurous and loves to get her into trouble. If nothing else, still knows a guy: Gabe. Gabe is unstable, cynical, temperamental and ridiculously gorgeous. Unlike the others, quickly makes Jasmine becomes attracted to him. She is willing to give him what he asks for in return? What is his relationship with his constant nightmares? Does she really know who are the people you love! Explore this immersive full of adventures, mysteries and romance story!
Jasmine is a girl like any other, which is going through adolescence. She has to deal with many problems, like the fact that his mother had died when she was born and her father never home. But his life is not just sadness. She has a friend named Ana Paula who is adventurous and loves to get her into trouble. If nothing else, still knows a guy: Gabe. Gabe is unstable, cynical, temperamental and ridiculously gorgeous. Unlike the others, quickly makes Jasmine becomes attracted to him. She is willing to give him what he asks for in return? What is his relationship with his constant nightmares? Does she really know who are the people you love! Explore this immersive full of adventures, mysteries and romance story!
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